OpenInterests tracks interests in the politics of the European Union.
Data from Poderopedia browseable and visualized through grano.
Explore and edit data via Grano UI, an administrative frontend.
Influence mapping projects have different objectives, and require custom interfaces. Grano is built to be an adaptable, plugin-based toolkit that can be tailored to a specific mode of analysis. Read more...
Grano is built by an open network of collaborators working in journalism and advocacy. This means you'll never depend on one company, but work with a team of like-minded projects to build a shared stack of analytic capabilities. Read more...
As a journalist or researcher, you need to manage the source of your data and the degree of confidence that you have in your information. Grano helps you to keep track of such metadata and make sure that your investigation is reliable.
Import bulk data from multiple sources, add scraped data through the API or contribute entities and relations manually: grano helps you to integrate data from a variety of sources into a coherent model for your analysis.