Extensions and Plugins
Extensions to grano are either based on the grano API (using HTTP to communicate with the core application), or they use the Python extension API to hook into the system directly.
The following extensions are currently available:
- grano-images: Associate images with entities, e.g. to show profile images. Support resizing and caching. (mature)
- grano-ui: The grano user interface allows users to manage their projects and edit entities, relations and the schema. (beta)
- grano-reconcile: Adds support for the OpenRefine reconciliation API so you can use a grano project to clean data in Refine. (mature)
- grano-elasticsearch: Builds a full-text search index in ElasticSearch, and makes that search available via the API. (beta)
- grano-opencorporates: Looks up entities in the OpenCorporates company database and stores their company ID when there is a match. (beta)
- linked-grano: Duplicates grano data into an RDF triple store and allows users to run graph searches against that data. (alpha)
- grano-neo4j: Duplicates grano data into Neo4J, a graph database. (alpha)